Bus Routes & Information
The law requires that any school pupil, pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade, who must cross the street on which the bus is parked, be given an escort crossing by the driver on the bus
Pupils shall not get out of their seat until the bus has come to a complete stop
Pupils should keep one hand free to use the handrail when exiting the bus.
Pupils shall exit the bus after the driver. Pupils shall stand at the curb until the driver has given the”all-clear” to cross the street.
The driver shall ensure that the flashing red signal system is working. The driver shall ensure that traffic is clear before giving the “all-clear” signal to the students.
Pupils who must cross the street shall cross to the front of the bus, between the bus and the bus driver, and walk directly to the curb.
After all pupils who require an escort have crossed, the driver shall ensure the area directly in front of the bus and to the side of the bus is clear from pupils or pedestrians before putting the bus into motion.
At no time shall any pupils be permitted to cross behind the bus
Passenger Safety Procedures
Only authorized bus riders are permitted to ride the bus, and they will be required to get on and off at their designated stop o other trip designation. A student who desires to get off at a bus stop other than the normal stop is required prior to boarding the bus, to have a note signed by his or her parent to be taken to the school off and obtain a bus permission slip. Permission to get off at a different stop will only be granted if no change to bus route is involved.
For any school bus or bus route questions please contact our transporation department at cusdtransportation@cusd49.com.